Personal Stories

Unshakeable Trust - Becky's Story

July 22, 2022

Unshakeable Trust - Becky

Becky's story is one of incredible heartbreak yet unshakeable trust. It can be easy to show up in praise when things are going well. But how about when it feels like life is falling apart around us? When we face loss and challenging circumstances? That is when it's hardest to praise, but those are the times we need to worship most! In the hard times, we need to be reminded that God is good, He is for us, He is with us.

Our prayer is that no matter the circumstances surrounding you, you would be reminded that God is for you, He will not leave you, and He is working all things together for your good and His glory.

Becky Trust - GOLD MASTER from Creative Films at CSC on Vimeo.

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