Personal Stories

Taylor's Baptism Story

July 15, 2021


“I came to know Christ through my fiancé Tom. I had grown up in a non-religious household, and had tried to learn about Christianity before, but had never succeeded. When Tom and I began dating we both found it very challenging because of our differing religious views, however, we continually came back to one another. Finally, we decided to sit down and talk about our situation, and from there I expressed my interest in joining the church and learning more about the Christian faith. From there my relationship with God progressed immensely. I joined Centre Street Church, took courses like Alpha, and began reading devotionals and the Bible alongside Tom. I knew I had become a follower of Christ when I began to feel such peace with prayer and scripture.

Having faith has saved my life in many different ways. Before coming to faith, the life I was living felt meaningless. I had a very hard time finding happiness and confidence in myself as well as my choices. I can confidently say I see purpose in life, something I could not have said before.

Today I chose to be baptized, to prove my devotion to God the Father, and to proudly announce that I am a follower and believer of Jesus. I am happy to finally say I am confident in who I am, and what I believe. Baptism is important to me because it shows that regardless of the thoughts the devil may plant in my head, and the insecurities he may try to manipulate, God is stronger, and I chose to believe and follow his Word.”

– Taylor G, Baptized July 2021

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