Personal Stories

My Life: Karen Savinkoff

June 15, 2018

My Life:  Karen Savinkoff

God can make an incredible difference, even in a life like mine. I grew up in a Christian home where my Mom took my sister and I to church every Sunday. When that church folded in 1981, I began attending Centre Street Church and came to fully know Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour. Pastor Henry was my Youth Pastor then. I babysat all four of Henry and Gwen’s boys, when they were babies and young children, and in doing this, it brought me closer to the whole family. During the summer of 1982, with the guidance of Val Lieske, Gail Johnson (Boldt) and Pastor Henry, I recommitted my life to Christ at the CSC Elkton Valley Camp.

As a child, I had learned about Jesus in Sunday School and had a basis of what was involved in believing in God, but once I re-committed my life to Christ at CSC, it has been simply amazing. God has brought so many incredible people into my life who have been a very positive influence in many of the decisions I have made in life. Many of whom are from the many Bible Studies that I attend now or have attended in the past. Seeking out the path that was designed for my life has been challenging and very rewarding. It has been most encouraging to me to know that the Jesus I believe in and trust offers His love, guidance, and comfort in the many times we experience happiness, joy, failure, sorrow or sadness in life. In this, I can rejoice. I know that Jesus is with me every day of my life. God has blessed me with a Servant heart and a passion to serve others.

One significant challenge that I faced in my life was during the summer of 1982, when I was 12 years old. It was just shortly after I had re-committed my life to Jesus at camp. My sister, Val, and I were riding horses just north of Calgary and my horse took off running. I couldn’t stop the horse. I fell off, hit the ground hard and was knocked unconscious. God sent an angel, in the form of a truck driver, who was driving by at that exact moment, and he used his CB to call for an ambulance. I broke my wrist, crushed my left elbow, and my right side of my body was paralyzed. I remained in a coma for three weeks.

My parents weren’t informed of my condition at first, because the prognosis was not good. The doctors expected me to have severe brain damage if or when I came out of unconsciousness. Months of speech therapy were required, since I could not talk. I sometimes found it difficult to recognize people and I could not form words easily. Due to memory loss, I had to re-learn almost everything. I also had to learn how to walk and co-ordinate again. From August 1982 to January 1983, it also took intensive occupational therapy and physical therapy for me to recover enough to even go back to school. It was a huge learning curve for me. During this time, my family, the whole Centre Street Church family, and friends from other churches prayed for me. Jesus Christ is the only reason I am here and able to function today. He has given me a second chance to live and I continue to pursue His plan for my life.

Today, my left arm does not bend, because it was crushed in the accident, and I continue to have memory struggles and cannot remember things the way I did before the accident. I feel my self-worth continues to be challenged, because there are many things I cannot do, and I get frustrated sometimes. Yet, I have never blamed God for this incident because many times good things come out of the bad.

An amazing result from my accident was that my Dad began attending church for the first time. I believe that he accepted the Lord into his life before his death in 2013. I would not wish my accident and painful recuperation upon anyone, but God works in mysterious ways and it was worth it to have my Dad accept Jesus through this.

I am more of a spectator and encourager. I love encouraging people. I am truly amazed that God restored me and gave me something special – an ability to recognize the good in others and to appreciate them as individuals.

I love people! God has given me the courage, ability and strength to serve as a volunteer for many organizations. I am, and continue to serve as the Lead Usher, during the CSC Saturday Night Service since its inception in 1991. For the last thirty-two years, God has given me the incredible opportunity to serve Him in this manner. I love my Saturday night volunteers and congregation.

I taught Sunday School for nineteen years at CSC, until about ten years ago, whereby I cultivated, planted and nurtured the truth of Jesus’s love into many children and young people. This form of worship encouraged me and I grew in my own faith. I love each and every one of the kids that have come in and out of my classes. I continue to volunteer as security/guest services for Children’s Ministries, in both of the Sunday morning services, for the last 8 years. It makes me so happy to see each child come back, week after week, with a big smile on their face, just wanting to learn more about Jesus. I could just burst!

I also serve on the Hockey Ministries International Committee, and the running of the Calgary HMI camp, being the Tuck Lady, since 1987. For the last 36 years, God has blessed me with the opportunity to be part of this hockey camp that teaches the young campers that you can have both Jesus and the game of hockey in your life, at the same time. The Pros, Leaders and thousands of kids, that have taken part in the Calgary camp in particular, have made my life full of absolute joy! All this to say that God works in awesome ways. God has blessed my life with many beautiful people through this organization.

I have also volunteered over 4,000+ hrs for the Calgary Police Service since 2002. For the last twenty years, I served as a Front Counter Occurrence Report Taker, I continue to participate in the scenario-based training in Penhold and Calgary, and now I also volunteer as a Civilian Instructor for the Calgary Police Cadet Corps as well as in the Power Play program. I also volunteer at YouthLink at the Police Headquarters. I most certainly do not take these wonderful opportunities for granted. I can be the light of Jesus, and make a difference in the lives of other people, in all facets of life.

I have had to deal with many unfortunate situations in my life, including the death of both of my parents to cancer, but I do know that my life is still very blessed in so many areas. Having other family and many friends, many other opportunities, Jesus has not left my side.

I ask God for wisdom every day and God continues to amaze me.

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