Personal Stories

Mike's Baptism Story

August 05, 2021


“I always knew about Jesus Christ. I attended Sunday School as a child. My family was not particularly religious and I never developed a personal relationship with Him. For most of my adult life, I was without focus and direction. I didn’t spend much time thinking about meaning in my life or a greater purpose.

I started attending Centre Street Church with the woman that would become my wife. I started to become affected by the sermons and it made me eager to know more. I attended church on a regular basis and then joined the Why Believe study. It was there that I came to understand Christianity much better. I am a facts person and needed to have factual understanding of what Christianity was before I could commit to it. The study provided those facts and it all just made sense. By the end of Why Believe, I knew that following Christ was what I wanted for my life.

One verse that means a lot to me is Matthew 24:13 “but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” It just makes sense to me. I want to be baptized today to continue with my growth and personal relationship with Jesus.”

- Mike T

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