Personal Stories

Laura's Alpha Story

March 14, 2023


While Laura attended Alpha, she experienced an incredible transformation in her life and now has a much deeper relationship with God.

“My relationship with God has grown immensely since I took the Alpha course. I have become a different person with a different character. God is using me in ways that are full of excitement. I am now at a point in my life where I want to start evangelizing, as God wants to use me to impact people just as He has done with me. He wants me to share His love. I no longer fill myself with doubt of God. I am now full of peace, joy and love as I let God constantly shape me into who He wants me to be.”

We are grateful for how the Lord used Alpha to draw Laura closer to Himself. We want that for you too!

Alpha is a weekly course designed to walk you through the basics of the Christian Faith. Learn more.

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