Global Stories

God is moving in Cambodia

April 10, 2018

God is moving in Cambodia

Cambodia was ravaged by violence during the 70’s and today it is a main thoroughfare for human trafficking. Financial instability creates difficulties to care for family members and as a result traffickers take advantage of the availability of victims. One of our 30 partner church pastors shares their story.

I was not a believer for many years. My husband and I had a comfortable life and many cows in our herd. Then I got sick. As I got sicker and sicker, I went to the witch doctor. Each visit he took another cow as payment and I was still not getting better. It came to the place where we had only a few cows left and the witch doctor said he couldn’t fix me and suggested I go to the missionary down the road for help. The missionary prayed over me, I was healed and came to know Christ as my Savior. I was so excited about my freedom that I said I must tell my family and they came to know Christ. Then God spoke to my husband and he said I see you are being called to pastor. Let’s sell our last cows so you can get training. When I returned home from training our family we began to plant churches in the villages my family lived in. God has blessed us with 50 village churches totalling about 1500 people that are vibrant and growing. Our pastors are bi-vocational so that in our village church we can also take care of the orphans. Life is not easy. We are isolated and deprived of community by other faiths but God is so faithful. He is our saviour and provider.

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