Personal Stories

Dinah's Baptism Story

August 24, 2022


Dinah was in a dark and challenging place in her life, but God met her powerfully right in the middle of it!

"At the tenth time of trying to take my life, I started to see a pattern, and I began to see that God didn't want me to take my own life. He had bigger plans for me. I always grew up believing in God. My parents are born-again Christians and always instilled that importance in faith, but I had a very bitter relationship with God. I always felt I was here to be a 'not so great project.' By the sixteenth and final time, I saw what I thought was an angel when a car was coming at me. Seeing is believing; if I saw that, I knew I had to believe in His plan. I started seeing the goodness of God in my life and his refusal to let me quit. The questions I have always had about life led me to read the Bible more. Living for Jesus is the one thing that makes me feel happy and joyful! I am no longer led by anxiety in my life."

Dinah was baptized at a Night of Worship service recently, and we are so thankful for her journey, life and love for Jesus!

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