Articles, Global Stories

Continue to Pray for Ukraine & Russia

April 21, 2022

Continue to Pray for Ukraine & Russia

We want to draw your hearts and your attention to our church partners in Ukraine. We want you to know that at last notice, all of our partners are alive but many have taken damage to their buildings and many have actually turned their church buildings, some of which we have helped in construction in the past, into refugee centres. They have literally removed pews in their church buildings and replace them with beds for those now finding safety in the house of the Lord.

Through our partner HART, we have heard that much funding and resource have gone towards food security, blankets, and even securing appropriate vehicles for moving refuges to safety. Because of your generosity, we are seeing God deliver hope to a people in their darkest day. 

For more updates, we highly recommend that you visit for updates.


At this point we still have a few church contacts in Russia but they are diminishing as contacting others in this part of the world has become increasingly hard.


We remind you, the Kingdom of God bridges all countries, even those at war. We remind you, even in Ukraine they are at war with spiritual opposition not only physical. 


Let us be diligent in holding up our brothers and sisters in Ukraine, in Russia and around the world that the Prince of peace will come and establish His Kingdom here.


Will you join us in prayer for peace…

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