Personal Stories

A Healing Story

April 19, 2018

A Healing Story

Are you ready to read one of our favourite testimonies? It speaks to the power of what can happen when we are aware of how God is leading us in our daily lives - moment to moment.

We received a phone call from a woman who told us she had severe eye pain. We'll call her Joanne. At the time, she visited her doctors and had not gotten a good prognosis report.

While using an Uber ride, the driver asked her what the problem was. After Joanne explained all the challenges with her eyes, he asked, "Can I suggest a solution?"

She was curious to know if he would suggest medical marijuana, but she was surprised when he said, "Go for the Healing Prayer evening at CSC, and they will pray for you. I went for one of their Healing Prayer evenings, and God touched and healed me."

Following that week, Joanne randomly met two others who attend CSC that encouraged her to visit us on our Healing Prayer evening! She doesn't know either of them.

When Joanne came to our Healing Prayer Evening, her eyes were covered with big dark glasses to protect them from the bright lights. After the ministry team prayed for her, she left with her eyes open and without glasses covering her eyes! God began to heal her eyes, and our teams continued to pray for her healing.

What an incredible story of God moving in her life to bring healing, but also of how God orchestrates interactions and opportunities to be an encouragement to others!

Take a moment today and ask God who He might be leading you to bless and encourage today. Maybe it looks like offering to pray for the waitress at your next meal out or buying coffee for the people behind you in the drive-thru. Whatever it is, be encouraged - you can impact others for God even in the simplest of ways!

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