Global Stories

A God of Second Chances

June 09, 2023

A God of Second Chances

We often have big-hearted members of CSC asking where they can donate gently-used household items. We are proud to say that we partner with WorldServe ministries. Through your donations to their thrift stores, they are able to cover all of their administrative costs so that 100% of money gifted to WorldServe goes directly to ministry, such as Bible distribution, church planting and humanitarian aid. Here is a story from one of their team members.

“My name is Lynn. I work at WorldServe Thrift Store in Calgary. Besides raising funds for WorldServe partners who work in persecuted areas, God provides some unusual opportunities to share His love in our own community.

One day I heard crashing sounds coming from the parking lot. I ran outside and watched in dismay as scraps of metal and garbage flew everywhere. A young man, high on drugs, vented his anger on anyone and anything that got in his way. Many of our shoppers were afraid to get out of their cars.

I prayed for wisdom and courage as I walked towards him. I used my mom voice and asked him to stop: “Young man, if you need something, let’s talk. I will help you, but I need you to stop throwing things around.”

He yelled. He swore. Customers left. I continued to talk to him, using a calm, firm voice. While I was talking, I prayed. “Lord, this young man needs you. Please help him!” Eventually, he dropped everything and ran across the street. I wished I could have done more to help him.

A couple of months later, a staff member called me into our receiving area. There stood the same young man, but I hardly recognized him! His eyes were clear. He was clean. He beamed.

“I came to say thank you. You were some of the only people who were gentle and kind with me.” He shared about the changes he was making in his life since going through a rehab program offered by a local Christian centre. “I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. He’s helping me get my life cleaned up. I know I need to confess the wrongs in my life and make things right.”

I hugged him. “God answered my prayers for you. I can see that He has changed you. Thanks for coming back and making things right!” I am so glad we serve a God of second chances, whose love never leaves us.

What is God saying to you? What are you going to do about it?

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