Articles, Global Stories

A Call to Prayer for Ukraine & Russia

February 25, 2022

A Call to Prayer for Ukraine & Russia

As you may be aware, Russia launched a military invasion of Ukraine this week (The morning of Feb 24). Please join us in praying.

A Call To Prayer from Pastor Henry:

Pray that the leaders of these countries would humble themselves and turn to God, stop the violence and seek peace. 

Pray that the Kingdom of God will win over the kingdoms of this world—that hearts would turn towards Jesus, that love & compassion will win over hate, that faith & hope in God will win over fear & despair, and that peace and non-violent solutions will win over war & bloodshed. 

Pray the body of Christ in Ukraine & Russia, will remain unified, focused on Jesus, and committed to living the way of Jesus and advancing the mission of Jesus even as their sense of security, safety and peace is being threatened.

Pray that God would protect our partner missionaries and churches in Ukraine and Russia and give them His peace, courage, wisdom & power to continue to represent Christ faithfully in these uncertain days.


Our Partner Agency, Samaritan’s Purse is actively working to provide support in Eastern Europe. Learn More.

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