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Our Guiding Principles

June 28, 2023

Our five pursuits describe our vision more fully. In accordance with Scripture, fully devoted followers pursue God, pursue relationships, pursue mission, pursue generosity and pursue simplicity individually, in community with other like-minded Christ followers, and are committed to accomplishing God's redemptive purposes in the world.

Pursue God

Our highest value is to know God and to grow in our faith personally and in our homes. As individuals, families and a small group of friends, we will practice the presence of Jesus on a moment-by-moment basis, seeking His wisdom and direction, responding obediently to His assignments and calling on Him for His help in all things, knowing that unless the Lord is with us, our labours are in vain.

Pursue Relationships

Following Christ’s example, we will pursue relationships with a small group of Christ-followers who are committed to BEING the church in every way, including providing mutual support and prayer for one another and spurring one another on to learn together what it means to follow Jesus, to live like Jesus, to hear from Jesus and to respond to His direction and assignments.

Pursue Mission

Jesus invited a small group of others to be on mission with Him. Following His example, we are committed to being on mission with our family and friends — to introduce people to Jesus by serving them (acts of caring, compassion and justice), sharing Jesus with them personally and inviting them to be part of our small group and worship gatherings.

Pursue Generosity

Our hearts break over the things that break the heart of God. Therefore, we are committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus by being generous with our time, finances, abilities and spiritual gifts to accomplish the mission God has called us to as individuals, families and as a church in our city, nation and world.

Pursue Simplicity

We are committed to uncluttering our lives so that we have margin to hear God, to pray and to advance His mission. We are committed to living more simply in order to have more resources to advance God’s kingdom and meet the needs of the less fortunate in our city, nation and world.

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