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Monthly Prayer Points

August 09, 2023

1) Government - Please pray for our city councilors and mayor that their heart will not be hardened but will be guided by the Holy Spirit in every decision that is made. Pray for their salvation and that their eyes will be unveiled to the gospel and love of God.

2) Media - Please pray for truth to prevail in the media and that it will not be used as a tool of the enemy to sow discord and division. That personal and activist agendas will be put aside in the pursuit of truth.

3) Arts & Entertainment - Please pray that the Lord will raise up godly people of integrity to be influencers in this area and that biblical values would be trumpeted.

4) Business - Please pray that businesses in Calgary will find creative ways to thrive even in a challenging environment. That they would be infused with Godly ideas and wisdom and recognize that it is in fact heavenly wisdom.

5) Education - Please pray for protection of children attending schools in all formats, that their minds and hearts will be shaped according to the will of the Father.

6) Religion - Please pray for an awakening in the body of Christ in our city, that believers would recognize their authority and mandate of the great commission. That the church would be activated and launched into action.

7) Family - Please pray that families will be strengthened by unity and love throughout the lockdowns. That where the enemy would look to come in and destroy relationships, the Holy Spirit will pour in life and healing.  

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